The HumaniTree Alliance’s purpose is to promote awareness of the interconnectedness of human beings and trees, and to launch a global campaign of awareness and celebration of this relationship.
Forests, grasslands, and underwater flora around the world are under severe duress from pollution, desertification, flooding, and the insatiable demand from humans for more land. During the last few decades, more old growth forest has been ravaged than throughout the thousands of years of human presence dating back to the Paleolithic period. Indeed, in the past 50 years, 50% of all the trees on the planet have been cut down.
Under these conditions, and in particular because there are so few ancient trees left alive, trees cannot connect according to their natural and ancient ways. Since we humans are the ones responsible for this, we must take the lead in proactively enabling trees to regain their health and equilibrium in the same manner in which people everywhere are working with specific species of animals and birds to re-create and protect their natural habitats.
The HumaniTree Alliance promotes a new awareness of trees’ importance for humans through two main Projects: