Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi
Early '70
At this time, Valchiusella was largely unpopulated and derelict because most of its farmers had moved from the countryside to the industrial areas of Piedmont. One weekend, while driving through this deserted valley, Falco and a small group of friends reached a hilly portion of land overgrown with brambles and nettles. Falco asked them to stop the car, and start walking up the little hill. A scruffy old man emerged and – to their great surprise – started complaining for taking so long to find him. He told them that many years before he had had a dream in which he saw a new settlement full of children, art and laughter situated on that same piece of land. A voice had instructed him to buy the land piece by piece so that one day he could hand it over to those who were to settle there and realize the vision. The week after they signed the deeds to the land the old man peacefully passed away
From 1996 on, pilgrims from all over the world started to visit and meditate in the Temples of Humankind, and Damanhur became popular at an international level, appealing especially to spiritual researchers, innovators and artists. Falco’s inspiration is clearly visible in the Temples, as they are one of the main vehicles through which Damanhur communicates its message: an eco-society able to combine metaphysical aspirations with politics, solidarity, service and business companies, innovative educational services, a cutting-edge healthcare system, and a fully satisfying life for its citizens.
Falco's mission and attitude
In the first years of Damanhur, Falco defined himself as a “Governor” and was actively involved both in steering the collective decisions and in choosing the people who should implement them. Gradually he stepped back from direct involvement, leaving the management of the community to the citizens that were elected to the different decision-making roles. In 1989 the Constitution of Damanhur stated that from that moment on he would have no social roles in the community. He was of course always highly regarded and his input was considered very important by everyone. For this reason, he was very keen to be informed of all the activities relating to Damanhur, but he was reticent in expressing his thoughts, as he did not want people to feel compelled to follow his opinion.
Throughout his life, he never wanted to promote his image, nor was he involved in promoting Damanhur personally in public events. He preferred to dedicate himself to his activities of painter and researcher in the field of Selfica – an ancient art/science to build conductors for highly specialized intelligent energies –, healing and human potential, but he was available for public meetings with Damanhurians and guests of Damanhur. During the meetings on Thursday evenings he shared an intense dialogue with the Damanhurians about his findings. On Fridays he would answer questions by guests interested in understanding the principles and dynamics of Damanhur. For many years, several evenings during the week, he animated a very complex life-action game, called “Damanhurian Risk”, to teach in a practical way the effects of the social, political and economic dynamics that shape the history of humanity.
As years went by, Damanhur’s popularity across the world continued to grow, and many people and groups from all over the world started to join Damanhurian citizens to participate in the ritual celebrations of the Solstices and Equinoxes, and the monthly Rite of the Oracle at the Full Moon.
Damanhurians looked at Falco as their spiritual guide, a man who had the ability to tap into the great reservoirs of universal knowledge in order to extract the wisdom and the power that could lead to new scientific discoveries and spiritual paradigms. Among his many contributions to the understanding of the human role in the universe are: Spiritual Physics, the path of the “Quesiti,” his vision of the divine planes as an eco-system. These insights are at the basis of the Damanhurian School of Meditation, the heart of the new paradigm that Falco created.
In order to explain universal truths Falco presented many uplifting myths, images and stories full of emotions which stimulated new, different interpretations of the meaning of life and evolution. The existence of a moment, far ahead in time, when an evolved galactic being is sent to Earth to trigger a “separation of time planes” and restore balance on the planet; the Divine Presence seen as a mirror that breaks into a myriad fragments in order to enter every form in our universe; the alien-gorilla Enkidu messenger of the Gods, manifesting on earth to bring help; the “Four Seconds Café” where the primeval laws meet and originate the universe in four seconds; the divinity Horus, as an example of a divine force which has always been an ally for the evolution of humankind; the Triad, the divine alliance of the Third Millennium; and the new form of the Grail force, in this time of awakening of humanity; bringing together the gods and godesses of all times and all peoples… All of these themes give shape to a vision of the world and of life, an integrated ensemble of esotericism, philosophy, tradition and innovation which informs Damanhur’s experience.