Born in Spain in a small city by the Meditarranean sea, Salamandra grew up in the cosmopolitan city of Madrid. She always had a love for music and started playing the piano at the age of 8.
She studied business in the United States and moved back to Madrid to work at IBM, as the Personal Assistant to the President of IBM Spain and Portugal. She kept her position at IBM for 15 years, then she left to create a Travel Agency. Two year later, in 1992, her husband founded DocPath, a software development company and Mercedes decided to join him in this adventure as head of operations, marketing and customer service. She still works there part time as operation managers.
Salamandra is a yoga instructor, that she has been practicing for many years. Kundalini Yoga has helped her to face life and not to be afraid of death, which was a pending issue since she lost her father when she was 16 years old. The encounter with the philosophy and practices of Damanhur touched her deeply and gave her the desire to transform her life. She now lives part time in Madrid and part time in Damanhur, where she collaborates with the Damanhur in the World team
She also loves nature and spending time singing in the trees while walking her dogs.